24 May 2009

take 1.

Eleven days and counting! When I applied for this job in India, I didn't think the time would come so quickly for me to be leaving. There are bags to be packed, supplies to be bought, people to hug over and over again...and the list goes on but I will spare the details.

Eleven days from now I will be aboard a plane flying to India! Is it going to be the India of Slumdog Millionaire? I wonder what it will smell like...I always wonder that about new places for some reason. I've wanted to go to India since I can remember; it's a little surreal that I'm now about to go and it's not for a 10 day trip but for 9 months.

I'll have so much more to write over the coming weeks and months but for now, I just wanted to get this started. ...Where will I write from next??